Prof. MUDr. Karel Weigner (10.4.1874 Batelov- 20.11.1937 Praha), anatom. 1901 docent anatomie, od 1905 učil plastickou anatomii na ČVUT a Akademii výtvarných umění, anatomii v kursech pro učitele tělesné výchovy a v ošetřovatelské škole; 1906 mimořádný profesor ČLF v Praze, 1918 řádný profesor, 1918 vybudoval a vedl anatomický ústav LF v Sofii, 1923 anatomický ústav LF Bratislava, od 1926 přednosta Anatomického ústavu ČLF Praha, 1936-1937 rektor. Věnoval se topografické anatomii (pětisvazková učebnice), kineziologii a anatomii ve vztahu k tělesné výchově. Činný v Sokole. Časopis lékařů českých 73 (1934), 368 Prof. MUDr. Karel Weigner (April 10, 1874 Batelov- November 20, 1937 Praha), anatomist. Associate Professor of Anatomy in Prague 1901, from 1905 taught anatomy for visual artists at the Czech Technical University and the Academy of Fine Arts as well as anatomy in courses form physical education teachers and nurses; 1906 Extraordinary Professor, Czech Medical Faculty in Prague, in 1918 he founded and led the Institute of Anatomy in Sofia, in 1923 the Institute of Anatomy in Bratislava, 1926- Chair, Institute of Anatomy, Czech Medical Faculty in Prague, 1936-1937 Rector of the University. He concentrated on topographical anatomy and publishes a five-volume textbook, kinesiology kineziologii and the use of anatomy in physical education. Active in the Sokol gymnastic organization. Časopis lékařů českých 73 (1934), 368
Prof. MUDr. Karel Weigner (April 10, 1874 Batelov- November 20, 1937 Praha), anatomist. Associate Professor of Anatomy in Prague 1901, from 1905 taught anatomy for visual artists at the Czech Technical University and the Academy of Fine Arts as well as anatomy in courses form physical education teachers and nurses; 1906 Extraordinary Professor, Czech Medical Faculty in Prague, in 1918 he founded and led the Institute of Anatomy in Sofia, in 1923 the Institute of Anatomy in Bratislava, 1926- Chair, Institute of Anatomy, Czech Medical Faculty in Prague, 1936-1937 Rector of the University. He concentrated on topographical anatomy and publishes a five-volume textbook, kinesiology kineziologii and the use of anatomy in physical education. Active in the Sokol gymnastic organization. Časopis lékařů českých 73 (1934), 368