Pracovní dohoda, kterou uzavřel George Harry Asher (Georg Harry Ascher, 1907-1998) r. 1937 se společností Panchema jako její zástupce pro Prahu a reklamní specialista. Dohoda zahrnuje klauzuli o provizi z prodeje výrobků Panchemy včetně souprav Diurocit. Georg Ascher se narodil ve Vídni, studoval v Praze grafiku a reklamní výtvarnictví a po absolutoriu zůstal v Praze až do německé okupace. Po okupaci se skrýval na francouzském velvyslanectví, byl zatčen gestapem, po propuštění unikl do Francie a prožil internaci v několika táborech. S pomocí spisovatele Oskara Maria Grafa se r. 1941 dostal do USA, kde po válce pracoval v reklamním průmyslu. George H. Asher Collection 1925- 1994, Leo Baeck Institute Archives In 1937, George Harry Asher (Georg Harry Ascher, 1907-1998) entered into a contract with the Panchema Company as its representative for Prague and advertising specialist. The contract included a clause regarding provision from the sale of Panchema products, including Diurocit sets. Georg Ascher was born in Vienna, studied graphic arts and advertising in Prague and until the 1939 Nazi occupation stayed there. After the occupation, Ascher hid at the French Embassy, was arrested by the Gestapo and released, after which he fled to France, where he was interned in several camps. With the help of the writer Oscar Maria Graf he reached USA in 1941. After the war, he worked as an art director in the advertising industry. George H. Asher Collection 1925- 1994, Leo Baeck Institute Archives