Object of the Month: March 2019

Irrigator Éguisier, around 1880 Douche and enema syringes have been known since antiquity. They have been employed to cure constipation and stomach complaints, to douche genital and urinary tract, cleanse wounds or remove foreign objects from bodily orifices. Beginning in the 600s, most clysters and douches were self-administered. The use of vaginal douches as contraceptives […]

Object of the Month: February 2019

Badge of a physician’s car, 1930s Illuminated car radiator badge marked the automobiles of medical doctors on duty. The Aesculap Autoclub of Czechoslovak physicians, car owners and operators (founded in 1930), introduced it in 1931. The club chose a red cross in a blue field to avoid confusion with the internationally and nationally protected Red Cross symbol. The […]

Předmět měsíce: leden 2019

Kuli-kabátek (Coolie-Coat), early 1980s Until mid-1980s,  during patient visits or while playing outside with children patients, Czechoslovak nurses wore “coolie-coats.” The shapeless box-cut and hard fabric called forth no enthusiasm and nurses preferred their own sweaters or coats. In addition, there was always a shortage of coolie-coats, as well as other parts of the nursing uniforms. […]

Object of the Month: December 2018

Bronchogom Throat Lozenges, Kalina Pharmacy, 1930s In the cold, wet winter months many of us suffer from upper respiratory infections. Cough lozenges, bonbons containing herbal extracts, menthol or eucalyptus oil, are not only tasty, but help expectoration and ease other symptoms of the cold. In the 19 and early 20 century, opiates were a common ingredient: […]

Zpracování a zpřístupnění sbírky výtvarného umění v NLK (abstrakt)

Lenka Maixnerová, Veronika Löblová, Michal Záviška Národní lékařská knihovna 19. konference Archivy, knihovny, muzea v digitálním světě 201, Praha 28.-29.11.2018 Abstrakt Součástí Národní lékařské knihovny je i Zdravotnické muzeum (ZM), které spravuje řadu sbírek s lékařskou a zdravotnickou tematikou (staré a vzácné tisky, disertace, diplomy, fotografie, archiválie, mince a medaile, lékařské přístroje a nástroje, výtvarné umění, farmaceutická sbírka, Würtzova sbírka “figurek” atd.). Zpracování […]