From Smallpox to COVID

From Smallpox to COVID: Vaccination in the Czech Lands Medical Museum Exhibition The small exhibition From Smallpox to COVID introduces the history of vaccination from Edward Jenner and the Empress Maria Theresia, through the struggle of doctors and public health specialist with tuberculosis and postwar vaccination campaigns to the vaccines defeating the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors […]

Gregor Johann Mendel and His Greens: for the 200 Anniversary 

Gregor Johann Mendel and His Greens: for the 200 Anniversary  On July 20, 2022, we commemorate 200 years from the birth of the founder of genetics, the Moravian naturalist Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884). After studies in Brno and Olomouc, Mendel, an Augustinian monk, took his priestly vows, but he showed greater interest in scientific work […]

100. výročí otevření Hlavova ústavu

  21. dubna jsme si připomněli 101. výročí otevření Hlavova ústavu, budovy, v níž od roku 1921 působil Ústav patologické anatomie, Ústav pro bakteriologii a sérologii a Ústav soudního lékařství české lékařské fakulty v Praze, ale za  posledních sto let i řada dalších pracovišť pražských lékařských fakult. Oslavy, původně plánované již na loňský rok, zdržela pandemie. O to bohatší bylo setkání, které připomnělo dějiny české […]

PF 2022

PF 2022 Happy holidays and health and joy in the coming year to all our visitors and friends Zdravotnické noviny 25/51-2 (1976), 9 „At the end, I asked Comrade Červenková for a Christmas cookie recipe: a recipe for pumpernickel with coconut and chocolate. Cut pumpernickel into slices, immerse them in rum for a moment, then top with chocolate glaze and […]

Masks for Little Heroes

 Masks for Little Heroes (Hua Hua Architects, 2020). Lego figures put on face masks as well: doctors and nurses, superheroes and techers, sportsmen and workers, little men and little women. Why should children be afraid of them? Masks for Little Heroes were designed and made by the Hua Hua Architects studio in Brno. You can […]

Hejrupáčci (The Hej Rup Guys)

 The Směr Cooperative was among the largest toy producers in socialist Czechoslovakia. In the 1980s, Směr manufactured simpler, smaller version of Igráček figures under the name Hej Rup. The series included a physician: two doctor toys belong to the Medical Museum collection and – although they wear no masks – have been included in the COVID […]

Masked Playmobil Figures

  Playmobil, the German version of the Igráček figure, has been produced by Geobra Brandstätter GmbH in Zirndorf since 1974. During the Corona pandemic, the makers of both Igráček and Playmobil used their production capacity to make face masks. For charitable purposes, both Igráček and Playmobil donned face masks themselves. Playmobil HeldInnen des Alltags campaign […]